Agarwood-Oud 1
Many can wear a drop of this Oud undiluted. Not as animalistic as Oud2. Blends very nicely with a good Sandalwood. Extracted in 2015. From Cambodia.
Agarwood-Oud 2
A very heady Oud with that signature animal growly tone. Extracted in 2010. Has aged nicely. We have about 50ml left of this legend. From Cambodia.
A good substitute for Sandalwood oil. The scent is woody, mossy, and mild with subtle leathery-smoky notes. Though not powerful the aroma has decent tenacity and remains balanced throughout. It is not as sweet as sandalwood or cedar atlas. We are not aware of any therapuetic properties of Buddhawood, however it would be great for meditation.
Sandalwood, Mysore 2
A classic Mysore Sandalwood, very woody with an animalistic undertone.
Sandalwood, Mysore 3
The heaviest Sandalwood we carry. Mixes great in with lesser Sandalwoods. Has a very earthy lasting tone that once on the skin is fantastic.